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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Here We Go ....

Today is the first day of Teacher Inservice for Lewisville ISD .... and I must say that I am EXTREMELY happy to not be attending !!!

I received my final paycheck on Aug 1st and that is a bit nervewracking as I wait for tutoring to start up again. I know it will ... school is starting Aug. 11th and I will begin to get busy shortly after that with evening tutoring. I also realized that I can take on students who have "senior out" during the day and need to pass Math to graduate. I will be sure to point that out to counselors and Math Dept. heads as I pass out my cards.

I have also found a Homeschooling Co-op in Lewisville and I am hoping to get to teach a Math class or two for them during the day. Margaret Kahn with PEAH has been very kind in passing my name along to people. I am also going to attend the NTHEN Conference in Plano this weekend ... and mingle and listen and pass out my cards!! Wish me luck!

The district is calling in my laptop so I have to go get a new laptop and printer today .... that will be a major expense, but necessary! I have really enjoyed this laptop and hate giving it up .... but it is probably best to own my own.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Wow - this is the BIG MONTH for you - you will definitely feel the loss of the "corporate" job! HAHA

YAY! for you!!!