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Monday, May 16, 2005

Five and 1/2 Days Left ...

And one "Work Day" .... like we don't work the other days ....

Anyway .... serious countdown mode. I taught my last new lesson today. It went well. I am still carrying around multiple referral forms and amazingly, the kids are really affected by that .... and overall they have been very well behaved. That is so nice. But sad that I have to resort to threats to get their attention.

I still have a few topics I need to blog on about education .... TAKS scores are in .... that's one big thing .... using 10th grade scores to determine schools' performance ..... that's another BIG thing ....


Depending on how you spin them, our Math TAKS scores were either wonderful or awful .... '"there's Lies, Damn Lies, and then there's Statistics" .... Since our new principal wants her "benchmarking policy" to look successful .... she will try to spin the results in as positive of a fashion as she can. That's a good thing for the Math Dept .... for now. My guess is that the "wrath of Becky" will strike soon enough, though. Thank Goodness I won't be there for it!! I will write more on this topic later .... with details ....

One week from tomorrow at noon the students get out of school!! The beginning is near ...

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